Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Should we really allow the use of blood

Times have dramatically changed since the beginning of blood transfusions. For years many doctors and scientist had experimented with blood transfusions and their attempts for success have been failures, until now. Auspiciously, technology and resources have dramatically improved, today doctors are able to miraculously complete these transfusions with minimal to no complications of their patients. However, an issue has been raised; religious leaders say that true believers do not believe in receiving blood, especially since the bible prohibits this. Many doctors are saying that the need for a blood transfusion is becoming less and less because of the capabilities that our hospitals have today. Since there are still risks associated with receiving blood, many doctors are trying to limit the use of blood and are considering the uses of the many other alternatives. There are many different views about this topic, some believe that blood transfusions are a great alternative and have fewer risk than it did in earlier times. Others say that receiving a blood transfusion goes against the bible and is very unsafe because of the diseases that could be contracted through it. By arguing both sides, a solution to this answer could be found.

From a Christian perspective, the bible teaches on many accounts the reasons for abstaining from blood. The account of ACTS explains in chapter 15:28 and 29 “For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood”(NWT of the Holy scriptures). This excerpt was pulled from the bible, and is just one of many other scriptures that forbid believers of the bible from taking any source of blood. Religious believers are puzzled by the fact that people don’t take God’s word the bible into consideration. There are still many risk associated with receiving blood, believers say that is the reason god has put these accounts in the bible for his people. Genesis 9:3 and 4 are scriptures from the bible, where God states “every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. Only flesh with its soul­­­­-its blood-you must not eat” (NWT of the Holy Scriptures). This quote was pulled from a book in the bible, which refers to animal blood. However, the bible clearly commands Christians to ‘abstain from blood.’ The bible states only sacrificial use of blood has ever been approved by God (NWT of the Holy Scriptures). These are just some of the reason why many Christian believers such as Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t partake in receiving blood and reject it when asked at the hospital.

Surprisingly, doctors state that many people today despite their religious beliefs are still not accepting of blood. Why is that? Well, even with all the advancements in our hospitals today there is no guarantee that any person will have a successful transfer when completing a blood transfusion. Patients are learning and seeing how un-safe blood transfusion can be. In 2006, a hospital had administered blood transfusions to two patients, unfortunately both patients died from a unsuccessful transfusion (Berger, Darlene). Doctor’s state there are risks associated with doing a blood transfusion and that it should only be used when the case really calls for it(No Blood). Dr. Thurer states that “infections such as Malaria, Hepatitis B or C, and West Nile virus may be transmitted through transfusion; there are also reports of bacteria, parasites, and prions [A microscopic protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid, thought to be the infectious agent responsible for scrapie (usually fatal brain disease) and certain other degenerative diseases of the nervous system] being transmitted through blood (risk website). Many find this surprising that hospitals allow this to be done if there are still many risks that can come with a blood transfusion.

In 1995, the New York Times published an article called Lowering AIDS Risk Is Found in Blood Transfusions. This is a great advancement, but that still doesn’t eliminate the fact that there is still a small possibility for contracting the incurable disease of H.I.V. The Times states that “A new study puts the odds of a patient’s contracting H.I.V. at 1 to 83,000” (James, 1995). This study was conducted by Dr. Eve M. Lackritz and others from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Scientist are amazed by the numbers, which is a great improvement compared to earlier times when blood transfusions were much more risky. Some hospitals believe with further study that blood transfusions in the future will become a safer and reliable source. More test and are being implemented into blood banks, recommended by the F.D.A., this test will try to directly search for the H.I.V. protein. However, this test will only be able to detect so much of the H.I.V. protein (James, 1995). So there is always that possibility of the machine missing the protein.

With all this being said there are many alternatives to blood transfusions thanks to technology and science. Alternatives include: acute normovolemic, hemodilution, cell salvage, and recombinant erythropoietin (Live Science). Acute normovolemic is a process that simply uses your own blood, post your operation, the doctors would simply have a few pints of your blood drawn intravenously over periods of time, stored or used during surgery. Hemodilution is a unique process that simply infuses an intravenous fluid that dilutes the blood to a certain level and after the surgery; the fluids will simply be excreted by normal body functions. There is also cell salvage, which simply involves a machine that sucks any free flowing blood from being wasted and circulates into the machine, then cleaned and returned to the body. There is a tool that also burns and seal glands that are leaking blood (Begany, Timothy). Technology has indubitably created many great and safe alternatives to blood transfusions.

There are some religious believers and non-religious believers that believe there is nothing wrong with receiving blood. Some argue with the fact that it is unethical not to take blood if you know you are going to die. A personal interview was conducted and it showed that people who are Christian believers are “not aware of these laws in the bible, but think that it’s unfair and to lose your life if the source is out there that can help you to live” (Isidore). This was what one patient had to say, concerning their views about receiving or donating blood. Today, many organizations such as the blood mobile, promotes their campaign, “that one donation can save multiple lives.” Many people around the world are saying that blood is sacred and that is true. People, who fall in this group, would agree that everyone has the right to receive blood; these people typically view blood as crucial part of life. The discovery channel recently aired an event of a woman who out at sea and got bitten by a shark on her leg. Fortunately, she did not die because on the ship she was intravenously given blood, since she was losing so much of it. When she arrived on land, she was taken to the hospital to get treated. After recovering, the doctors told her that they had to give her blood and without it she would have died. This shows that there are some cases where blood is needed and this is why many disregard what the bible says on the account of abstaining from blood.

This topic is very controversial and can be viewed differently by many. By recapping, the facts show that blood should not be received by believers of the bible. Statistics show that blood transfusions have become much safer, but there are still some risks associated with receiving it. Doctors such as Dr. Shander’s states, “we are certainly coming to a point were bloodless surgery is becoming the best and safest alternative” (Begany, Timothy). Lastly, this comment shows that blood transfusions are becoming a thing of the past. Now that you have read just a small portion about such as large topic, think critically. Now ask yourself, what side am I on?


Pulmonary Review Vol. 9, No.2Feb. 2004 October 28 2007
.Loviglio, JoAnn.

Berger, Darlene. "BNet Research Center." Laboratory science and professional
certification in the 20th century - A Brief History of Medical Diagnosis and the Birth of the Clinical Laboratory in the 20th Century, part 2. 1999. BNet Research. 18 Nov 2007 .

"Bloodless Surgery Takes Off." Live Science October 28 2007
Isidore, Cadine. Telephone interview. 11, November 2007.

James. "Lowering AIDS Risk Is Found in Blood Transfusions." New York Times (1995):

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Brooklyn, New York: Watchtower Bible
and Tract Society ,

No Blood. Dir. Watchtower and Tract society. Videocassette. Watchtower, 2001.

Murphy, Michael, and Derwood Pamphilon. Practical transfusion medicine. 2nd.

UK: Blackwell, 2005.
Letters to the Organizations
Kevin Belcher
Campus Box 214 Eckerd College
4200 54th Ave S.
Saint Petersburg, FL 33711-4700
St. Andrews Catholic Church
801 Hastings Street
Orlando, FL 32808

To whom this may concern:

I am college student at Eckerd College, I am writing this brief letter to your organization because I am just a little curious and would like to learn a little more about the catholic religion, your views towards other religions, and wgakes your religion so much different from the others. I have learned from your religion that you all view blood transfusions as something that is allowed by God. There are many scriptures that state otherwise such as Genesis chapters 9:3, 4 and Acts 15:28, 29. If the bible condones these behaviors why does your religion not put emphasis on trying to stop these acts? I think it is very important to recognize and go exactly by what the bible says because God created the bible so we could be in harmony with it. We should not try to alter or change what it says and think that it is ok. I would really appreciate if you could explain to me why the catholic religion does not condone these behaviors. As you and I know, God’s decisions and words are final. We must live by his order and try to abide by Gods words. I thank you for all the time you put into reading this letter.
Kevin Belcher
Campus Box 214 Eckerd College
4200 54th Ave S.
Saint Petersburg, FL 33711-4700
December 1st 2007
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904

To whom this may concern:
I am a college student at Eckerd, who is aware of some of your religious beliefs. I am also very understanding and accepting of a lot of the information I have retained about your religion. The most important thing that I agree with is your refusal towards blood transfusions. I believe that many religions today are not understanding of what the bible really has to teach.
There are many scriptures such as Genesis and Acts, which all show why believers of God shouldn’t take blood. These scriptures even explain how sacred blood is and shouldn’t be taken from any man. I am also very interested in finding out what makes you religion so different from the rest.
I am hoping that you would further explain to me why it is so important for your religion to abstain from blood? I would also hope you could locate, identify and explain in depth some other scriptures that explain why religious believers should abstain from blood. I would appreciate if you could get back with me on this topic. I believe that it is something that religions need to be aware of. Thank you for your time.

30 Minute times writing

In my process of working on project three, it was important for me to incorporate the skills that I incorporated in projects one and projects two. Overall, I wanted to pick a topic that is not really viewed on an everyday basis, but have people know of the situation. Blood transfusions have been practiced for many years and by many are not considered as going against what God has to teach through the usage of the bible. This project was one of the most complicated but definitely showed what I was capable of. When doing any research it is important to always plan and I really tried to use and incorporate all of the techniques and methods that were offered to us, so that I would have a more productive paper. I would like to delineate how my methods all tied in together in making an effective project.
First off, in the project I thought it was a neat idea to make the project completely paperless, tying in with the theme of an eco-friendly school. Most important, though, was that we were able to post our topics on a blogging site which would allow many around the world who are capable to respond and give their opinions about the topic on “Blood Transfusions.” I felt that incorporating pictures, scriptures from the bible, and a general Conesus about the topic has made this certainly a topic that should be viewed by many.
Next, I thought it was important for us to give our personal opinions and send them to organizations that either agreed or disagreed with the topic. I think it was important for us to do this because it would help us to get a better understanding of how people feel about the topic. When writing my letter I wrote to one organization that agreed with blood transfusions and wrote two to the other organizations that did not agree with blood transfusions. In my letters to the organization, I stated and agreed with how they disagreed with the use of blood transfusion and stated how I can see why they believe in these acts, since the bible strictly condones the behavior. However, on the other letter I was more argumentative in trying to understand why they agree with blood transfusions.
Lastly, trying to incorporate the fable in this project is very is another important task which, helps us to send our message out to a younger audience and have them consider and delineate ideas about the topic. In creating a fable, it was difficult because not only are we trying t create something that is suitable for fifth through eighth grader, but we must also try to make it more child friendly. The most effective approach was for me to find facts about the topic so hopefully when I put it together, the kids would have learned something. And then I would have also made a cross word puzzle with question about my topic which would make the topic more interactive and kid friendly,
In conclusion, this project has helped me to complete necessary requirements for the writing requirement at Eckerd College. I thought this was unique and great for a learning experience.
The fable I created was one that would help the 7th graders to learn about blood transfusions and also show them some concerns with it. I wanted to do this by using a crossword puzzle, the 7th graders would read a short reading that would assist them with the puzzle. I made this puzzle short and sweet because I didn't feel that it was necessary to make it completely long because I just want the kids to be aware of the situation and hopefully want to research the topic more on their own.